Course curriculum

    1. A message from your President

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before we begin...

    4. The Vision Of ABC

    1. Overview of the Association of Bridal Consultants, its history, mission, and vision

    2. January 2025 Town Hall Meeting

    3. Our Vision for 2025: Inspiring Growth, Connections, and Success in the Wedding Industry

    4. Code of Ethics

    5. Brief introduction to the leadership team and key personnel.

    6. A Message from the Vice President of Membership

    1. A Message From Our Membership Liason

    2. Credibility - With Your Peers and Clients

    3. Quality Educational Programs and Webinars

    4. Destination Weddings & Honeymoon Travel Program

    5. Corporate Memberships

    6. Full Time Call Center To Help

    7. ABC Room Block Program

    8. Internet Listings & Referral Opportunities

    9. World of Weddings Conference

    10. Wedding Planner Magazine

    11. Additional Benefits

    12. NEW BENEFIT - Job Board

    1. Earn Trademarked Designations

    2. Designation Pyramid

    3. Points Grid

    1. A Message From Our Vice President Education

    2. Education Overview

    3. ABC Career Courses

    4. Webinar Replays

    1. A Message from the Vice President Conferences

    2. World of Weddings 2025 Intro Video

    3. Important Information

About this course

  • Free
  • 47 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content